Author Archives: WswLaw


“I don’t think I would have been able to maintain my relationship with the kids without the skill and perseverance you demonstrated throughout the case.” — to Chris from Client


“I will be forever grateful for all that you did and the only regret I have is that I wasted my time on three lawyers before hiring you. I know that I speak for my two brothers (who are also attorneys) when I say that I can’t thank you enough for your professionalism and thoughtfulness in seeing that the job got done on my behalf in the finest way possible that the law could allow.” — to Roger from Client


“Your closing statement won a (finally) decent resolution… Thanks for your patience with a frustrated Mom!” — to Chris from Client


“Roger more than achieved the objectives. The entire case took only six months. And, in the end, I have complete joint legal and physical custody of the children and parenting time of exactly 50 percent, and I have my house.” — to Roger from Client


“Chris… I appreciate all you are doing on behalf of the boys… hopefully these actions will restore their lives and enable them to have a bright future.” Client


I knew yesterday, when I left your office, that you would come up with the answer. GREAT! I am at peace! THANKS! — to Chris from Client


“Despite the outcome of my case, I admire you as a counsel and if I have to ask for legal advice or representation here in IL, rest assured that it will be from you.” — to Chris from Client


“Having Rick Scott represent me in a long divorce and seeing him in action over an extended period of time… He has always been professional, knowledgeable, practical, intelligent, thorough, punctual and caring.” — to Rick from Client